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2024 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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Why Leadership Team Dynamics NOT Toxic Leaders are the Problem!

14 Nov 2024
Seminar Theatre 6

It is the relationships between leaders or the ‘dynamics’ of a leadership team that really impacts the people in the organisation… you might think there’s a person who’s the problem or a leader who ‘just can’t get on with’ others and that’s what’s dragging you down? 


Well The Resonance Coach, Cassandra Rix, is here to offer an alternative perspective of view of the truth… a thought provoking seminar will share personal experience, coaching case studies and broader world views of the impact that Leadership Teams and the dynamics, or human relationships, between leaders, has on their effectiveness, rather than apportioning blame on one person, what if the reason that leadership isn’t working is because of HOW we are together?


This seminar will ask and answer some of the questions that reveal how commercial business leaders might just start to understand each other better rather that ‘disagree’ with each other and find reasons not to be on the same page… 


Cassandra will offer practical examples and tools that will help founding business leaders better function together, open up the conversations that are usually only had ‘about’ each other rather than ‘with’ each other and create a safe space for conflict as a crucial part of business relationships, in and out of the real or virtual boardroom!


If you want to challenge your thinking (and Cassandra’s) about how teams can really work better together why not come along and see what shows up for you and the rest of the audience?

Cassandra Rix, Founder and Team Dynamics Coach - The Resonance Coach Ltd.
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