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28 Sep 2021

Is the recruitment market an employee driven market or an employer market!?

Is the recruitment market an employee driven market or an employer market!?

Managing Director, Paul Evans, says after being in the Catering and Hospitality for just shy of 10 years and then the Recruitment industry for just over 10 years, it is safe to say he had plenty of on the ground Industry experience. Paul, believes that pre pandemic it was an employer market with employers offer salaries and benefits that suited their business and budget. After all every business has a budget, right?

Before Paul set up CP Staffing and Events, he was employed by a reputable and well established recruitment agency, where he was successful and achieved many of his goals that he set in life, but when it came to what he wanted in a way of career progression and his ambitions within the company, they were not able to offer or provide to meet his needs at the time, This led to his departure after 7 years of being with the company to set up his own recruitment business!

Establishing CP Staffing and Events in January 2020, Paul knew what he wanted to achieve and how he was going to achieve this pre pandemic, and without any business or any person restricting him and his ambitions. the sky was and is his limit.

Changing from an employee to an employer was a huge change in direction, the first 12 months was challenging, but the key factor for Paul was understanding the market within the industries the business services, such as Cleaning, Catering and Hospitality and the Events Industry which suffered drastically during the pandemic.

Whilst many businesses suffered, CP Staffing and Events in 2021 has taking the market by storm, How, you say? By listening to their employees, workers, and their client’s and what their needs are and not what the business needed to achieve. CP Staffing and Events, have been able to offer more than just a hourly pay rate or salary, they offer a consultative approach, a shoulder to lean on, offering training and the opportunity to up skill candidates who want to work in a different sectors and most importantly with over 500 active workers, they treat them as a person not a number, this is even with the team going from 10 – 500 in the matter of 6 months.  

Listening to your employees, workers and clients is the key to your business’s success, don’t just think of the bottom line, think of these people as part of your business journey and success. Listen and take on board what they have to say! Candidates and your employees want to feel part of a journey and the success of that journey!

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