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Becky Colwell

Becky Colwell

Sales Success Coach, Heart to Heart Sales

Becky is on a mission to show that the only time we notice sales is when it’s done badly. When we have a connected conversation that is aligned with what we want and need, we just decide to buy, we really don’t notice the ‘selling’ bit.

After over 15 very successful years in sales, Becky became disillusioned with only being as good as her last month.  She moved into business support, then business improvement, and into consulting roles. Becky had taken a step back from consulting and was 2 weeks into a new venture when lockdown hit.

Searching for connection with like-minded souls, Becky joined an online business start-up community, where she noticed so many talented women, who could literally change lives with their offering, were struggling to sell what they did because they didn’t ever want to feel ‘salesy’.

Heart to Heart Sales™ was founded so that every heart-centred business owner can feel aligned with their values, connected with their clients, and make their offer with ease.